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JEE Main 2023 Preparation | Strategy Plan | Best Books

Thanks to Covid-19, the JEE Mains Exam has been rescheduled. I understand how tough it is to stay up with our studies when examinations are postponed. Here we will talk about JEE Main preparation 2022 like the strategy plan, timetable and best books you should study from.

However, we students need not be concerned because the Strategy Plan presented in this post will be quite useful in the weeks ahead. I don’t want to hit the bushes, so I’ll stick to the essentials.

Strategy Plan: JEE Main 2023 Preparation

“ Planning for an hour can save you ten hours of doing.” – Dale Carnegie

In his well-known book, Stephen Covey discusses the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. The seventh point (Sharpen the Saw) is all about preparation ahead of time.

You get the idea.

I’d like to share a few pointers with you on how to prepare for the JEE Exam. As needed, you may add or delete.

    1. Prior to beginning your preparation, you should be aware of all available resources. Allow a few hours for this task and make a list of all the materials that will be utilized in the coming weeks until the exam. Other books, papers, or notes, as well as anything else, should not be on or near your table.
    2. Print the JEE syllabus and keep it with you until the examination.
    3. Remove any distracting elements.
    1. Brian Tracy states in his well-known book ‘Eat That Frog’ that the ugliest or most important task should be done first, followed by secondary works.
    2. The same is true for the curriculum; we should focus on the most significant and high-scoring sections first. Alternatively, we might prepare the themes that will almost certainly be examined and on which we specialize.
    1. I’m not going to get into a deliberation whether which method is better, but you don’t need to change your study habits yet anyway.
    2. Make a schedule for yourself based on your optimum study hours. Please don’t create a timetable that will overload you. (In future blogs, I’ll go through how to make a SMART schedule.)
    3. Make studying at the same time every day a habit.


    1. The traditional methods of revision, in which we sit quietly with our books all day, are detrimental to our learning.
    2. Recall what you remember after closing the book and notes.
    3. Recognition vs Recollection
      • Recognition necessitates the use of a memory trigger, which will not be available during a test or exam.
      • Recall, quiz yourself, and come up with new ways to remember something.
    1. The majority of students and individuals nowadays multitask.
    2. However, a learner should focus on one Mental Task at a time and not flip between them.
    1. All aspects of our uniqueness, as they say, require food.
    2. As a result, sufficient nutrition for both the body and the mind is required and it should not be overlooked.
    1. Our emotional health is critical to our overall productivity.
    2. Regular prayers and expressions of gratitude to living and non-living beings also assist us in becoming emotionally stronger. This must be included in our regular routine.

You may also read: How Can I Improve My JEE Main Score?

Now we’ll discover another vital component of JEE Main preparation 2022: the important books that toppers recommended.

BEST BOOKS suggested by previous IIT JEE Toppers and faculties :

Best Books for Physics Subject:

NCERT & NCERT Exemplar

HC Verma (Most Important + Correct Theory)

BM Sharma (For Class 12th especially)

MCQs: DC Pandey

Vidya Hub Modules

Best Books for Chemistry Subject:


Theory: Pradeep (Class 11)

Physical: Narendra Awasthi (problem-solving)

Organic: MS Chouhan + Himanshu Pandey

Inorganic: K Kumar

Vidya Hub Modules

Best Books for Maths Subject :

Objective Mathematics – RD Sharma

Most Topics: Vijay Kumar (Mc Graw Hill)

Coordinate Geometry+Trigonometry: SL Loney

Arihant (Basic + Topicwise)

Vidya Hub Modules

At Vidya Hub, we assist our students in putting these ideas into reality and applying them in their daily lives. Wherever they are missing or require further support, we counsel and mentor them. Furthermore, our faculty and experts have extensive expertise in dealing with all of our students’ needs and concerns.

To learn more about Vidya Hub Institute, please contact one of our Counselors on the number: +91 9999-764-222

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JEE Main 2022 Preparation | Strategy Plan | Best Books

JEE Mains and JEE Advanced are Different. | What do you think?

In this blog, we are going to know about the difference between JEE Mains and JEE Advanced in 2022. The primary distinction between a genius and a regular person is that the latter learns while the former thinks!! It is not enough to simply LEARN; you must also THINK.

The JEE Mains and JEE Advanced examinations are national-level entrance exams for admission to India’s top engineering schools. NTA administers JEE Mains for admission to NITs, IIITs, CFTIs, and other engineering and technology institutes administered by state governments and private universities, whereas IITs administer JEE Advanced for admission to the country’s 26 IITs.

Is JEE Advanced easier than JEE Mains?

If the response must be a single sentence, Then the answer is a resounding NO.

Still, let’s go over some key details about the two examinations’ difficulty levels.

Difficulty Level of JEE Mains :

Because it only assesses applicants on the subject of classes 11th and 12th, this exam is said to be simpler than JEE Advanced.

Difficulty Level of JEE Advanced :

It is regarded to be more difficult than the Mains exam since it covers topics not covered in classes 11 and 12, and it also measures students’ problem-solving abilities.

Is NCERT enough for JEE Mains?

If you’ve been studying for the JEE entrance exam, you’ve probably considered this question at some time. This question cannot be answered with a simple YES or NO.

However, based on the history of the last several years and interviews with toppers and faculty members, the following conclusion may be formed.

NCERTs are recommended by JEE Mains toppers and experts JEE Mains preparation. According to experts, studying NCERT is adequate for passing JEE Main

Students can study for the JEE Main entrance exam utilizing the approved curriculum and NCERT books, which cover almost all areas.

The syllabuses for JEE Main and CBSE Class 11th and 12th are substantially comparable. For students, NCERT books are one of the best sources of information.

You may also read: How Can I Improve My JEE Main Score?

Is it vital to get a good score in the 12th Class in order to get into JEE?

This is another topic that students are always considering.

If you’ve been studying for the JEE entrance test, you’ve most likely thought about this question.

This question too does not have a straightforward YES or NO response.

Candidates can take the JEE Main exam regardless of their performance in class 12.

It is important to remember that there is no criterion for JEE Main eligibility in 12th grade to take the exam.

The qualifying standards of 75 percent marks apply solely when applying for admissions to the institute, and they have also been waived by the Government of India for the years 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 circumstances. 75 percent of the requirements are anticipated to be waived in 2022.

Candidates must, however, meet the minimum percentage criterion of the institute to which admission is sought.

Can I crack JEE without coaching?

Prior trends and the number of successful IIT-JEE students have proven that passing the exam without enrolling in a coaching centre is possible, although the chances are limited.

We have witnessed the devastation that students experienced throughout their two years of self-study during Covid-19.We all have these memories in our heads.

The additional benefit that coaching students have is that they receive adequate assistance with each topic as well as periodic analysis on a weekly or monthly basis.

Still, this is a question you should ask yourself and seek professional advice on. VidyaHub will be delighted to assist you in making a decision and overcoming your confusion.

VidyaHub would be happy to offer support and guidance both during and after the procedure. We have helped and directed many unguided students to their intended goals to date. We know you are a student and if you are looking for best institute in Delhi then Your problem has been solved because we are proving Best JEE Coaching institute in Delhi.

Our faculty’s vision and mission are to assist the majority of Indian students in enrolling in their dream institutions, so benefiting our country.

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JEE Mains and JEE Advanced are Different. | What do you think?

How to score Good marks in Board Exam – 2022

Boards exams 2022 are coming and CBSE is changing the pattern for both 10th & 12th. Students worry about Score Good Marks in Board Exam-2022. I don’t think you need to focus on the changes right now because CBSE would be constantly altering the exam pattern as the days go by. We can only hope that corona doesn’t strike again. Still, all the schools, colleges & institutions will try their best to make sure exams go smoothly.

Boards might be the most important exam you’ll ever give in your life. Where the 10th class’s board is used for getting the desired subject in the next class, the 12th board is used to get a good college. Marks scored inboards do matter, don’t let anyone fool you.

It’s a stressful time for 10th & 12 class students when board exams are near. Every student hopes of scoring well, but only some do. There are very small details that students leave and lose marks.

How to ace your board exams without burdening yourself?

Here are some ways to help you score good marks in Board Exam:

  • Complete the question paper backwards
  • Sleep well the night before exam
  • Try to be as neat & clean as possible
  • Read the question paper carefully
  • Concentrate
  • Stick to the word limit
  • Make sure you have time for revision

Complete the Question Paper backwards

Try to do big questions which are at the end of the paper, first! This will help you grab important marks early in the exam. Your brain is ready for some action to start so, it will work perfectly well doing big questions. Even if time runs out, the only questions that will be left are one or two markers.

Sleep well the night before Exam

Try to get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam. Give your brain and body the rest they deserve or else they can betray you on the big day. Also try to wake up early and have a nice, healthy breakfast.

Try to be as Neat & Clean as Possible

Tidy work gives a good impression. Examiners have to check hundreds of exams at a time. They usually just cross out what they can’t understand. If your exam sheet is neat and clean, the examiner might even check your exam in a happy mood and spare some of your errors.

Read the Question Paper carefully

15 Minutes!!! That’s all you get. You need to utilize this time cautiously. Read the question paper and plan out a strategy to make sure you get the result you hoped for.


Our mind sometimes drifts away to its own fantasy world in the examination hall. You must have seen the meme about how we even start singing songs while giving exams. You! Need to make sure that it doesn’t happen to you. Boards are important for your career and you need to give your best. If you can’t concentrate for a long time, try meditating once in a while.

Stick to the Word Limit

You must’ve figured out that teachers deduct marks if you write your answer under the word limit. But, they can and they will also deduct your marks if you go above the limit. So, stick to it, especially in a language exam like English.

You may also read: How To Boost or Gain Confidence Right Before Neet

Make sure you have time for Revision

Revision is an important step. Everyone makes a silly mistake but you need to make amends. If you were able to manage your time perfectly, you must have some spare time to revise your exam in the end.

There’s still time left for Board exams and to choose a good coaching center. Why not try Vidya Hub? We are the best foundation classes provider and if you don’t believe it check our website VidyaHub.

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How to score good Marks in Board Exam – 2022.

How to Deal with board exam phobia?

We know that schools have just started opening and boards are the last thing you want to talk about now. But one day you’ll be sitting in some school’s classroom thinking will I perform well in this exam? In India, boards create an environment of tension and stress among students is called Exam Phobia. Some students develop a certain fear of exams.

Hundreds of people commit suicide (phobia of the exam) because they think the pressure of studying is too much for them. Whereas, thousands of people suffer from depression or exam phobia symptoms every year for the same reason.

Phobia refers to extreme and unusual fear of an object, type of person, animal, or even an activity. What you might think is normal; a person with phobia would be extremely scared by it.

For example, you might be okay with standing on the roof of a 15-floor building but a person with Acrophobia (fear of heights) would get intimidated. Examinophobia refers to the unusual fear of exams. Teenage is a sensitive phase and hence, many students struggle to control this fear. how to overcome exam fear

So, Here are Some high symptoms of exam phobia.

  • Lack of focus
  • Depression and Poor Mental Health
  • Failing in Exams
  • Loss of Self Confidence
  • Low Self Esteem

Here are the top 5 tips to overcome board exam phobia.


Comparing yourself to others is never a good option. Every person is built differently in their own unique way. Stays focused on yourself and try to give it your best every time.


Lack of sleep can make a person moody. Try to go to bed early as well as wake up early. Teenagers must sleep for 8-10 hours a day to function properly.


Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. Map out a well-thought strategy to help you pass the exams. If you know what is coming for you, there will be less chance of failure.


Try to stay happy as much as you can! Do what makes you feel good and keep motivating yourself. “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Make ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ your Mantra.


If you are feeling down anytime in your life, remember there are people who care about you. Talk to them and they’ll make you feel a lot better. Try to get together with your friends and they might get your mind off the fear.

You may also read: How to score good Marks in Board Exam – 2022.

Examinophobia might not have its existence for long but its effect sure is huge. Where our education system put more emphasis on your memory, here at Vidya Hub we try to make learning as fun as possible.

We know that boards can be stressful but with the right guidance you can make it through with flying colours. How to find the right guidance you ask?

VISIT VIDYAHUB! Here, you can ensure the best foundation classes, jee advanced online or offline and neet coaching classes. So, what is this waiting for? Reach out to us on 9999764222 or 9999222519.

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How to Deal with board exam phobia?

Preparation of JEE or NEET right from 9th & 10th Class

There is a point in every student’s life when he needs to choose which career path he should take. Actually, every decision related to a career is difficult. Thatswhy from the foundation students want to know about the preparation of JEE or NEET right from 9th & 10th class. Because that’s the time where Students face this dilemma consistently throughout their life:

(i) 10th class students need to choose the stream they would study in higher classes.

(ii) 12th class students need to choose a college and a course that will lay the foundation of their career.

(iii) Then after completing their Bachelors, students need to decide either to complete Masters, Ph.D. or start earning straight away.

Everyone needs to make some tough decisions in their life. The simplest way to make these decisions is to take help from the people who care about you, who you care about. The base of our future life starts from the 9th and 10th standards. A 15-year-old child has the potential to achieve everything he dreams of. It is the job of elders to guide him in bringing out his best, to let him know about different careers and how to choose them.

Self-exploration can only lead a student to limited accomplishments, but the level of success he can achieve is infinite with the right guidance. A 9th and 10th standard is a stage when students start developing interests in things. The personality of students starts developing around this time. Some people indeed get to know more of their interests later in their life, but that doesn’t mean that they should cry over their decisions earlier. George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright said – “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

No matter how bad a decision you make in your life, you need to find something good in it. Sure life ahead is tough. Many students decide to take JEE and NEET after completing their school life and only a few manage to progress through it. The key is to get the priorities straight. As stated above the time to develop interests is in 9th and 10th standard and if a student has his total interests in becoming a doctor then he will definitely become a doctor. If a student likes math and physics, then no one can stop him to pass JEE.

The essential thing is to know your interests and being in foundation classes i.e. 9th and 10tth standard, is the time to do that. Aspirants tend to chicken out when they find how difficult JEE and NEET really are. You can clear the most difficult exam on this planet if you are interested in the subjects and you work extremely hard. Counseling sessions can exceptionally help students explore more of their interests. It is absolutely necessary to send your child for a mentoring session with a professional as a parent. Only a student can know what he likes and wants to be in life. Forcing your child to become something he is not can ruin his life. This is one of the many reasons why Vidya Hub Institute is known to every student. We not only develop a child’s interest and enhance his skills, but we also help him choose a career path with the least difficulties. The available foundation course in Vidya Hub helps groom the child to know the essentiality of making the right decisions at right time.

 You may also like: Exam Scheduling Directly Contributes to Academic Performance.

12 Ways to Boost your Brain’s Power

Following these 12 Ways to Boost your Brain Power, we have discussed how to Increase Brain Power. Experts believe that the brain is like the central processing unit, or CPU, of a computer. Even though this is a bit of an exaggeration because the CPU doesn’t think like you do, there are some real similarities between the two. The CPU compares data, does maths, and can store information in different ways. It can also be “retrained” to do different things, just like your brain.

So, yes, it is possible to make your brain work better. All you have to do is know how to do it.

Follow these 12 ways to boost brain power your memory while studying for the IIT JEE / NEET and keep it from getting too full. When you don’t have to think about remembering things, you’ve already won half the battle. Use these helpful tips to get ready better while you still have time:

12 Ways to Boost your Brain Power

  1. How do phones today affect sleep and Ultimately Brain Function
  2. Brain exercises help make your brain smarter.
  3. Foods for your Brain
  4. Visualize
  5. Associative thinking
  6. To help you remember things, use mnemonics
  7. The One Thing
  8. Prioritize
  9. Have faith in your abilities
  10. Stay hydrated
  11. Deep Work
  12. Spending time in Nature & with Kids and Pets

These 12 Tips will definitely help you to increase your Brainpower.

How do phones today affect sleep and Ultimately Brain Function?

If you feel like you have to keep checking, responding, reading, scrolling, uploading, or playing on your mobile phone. Even during night hours. And you are not able to control the temptation. It might be hard to put the phone down and stop using it. This may cause you to go to bed later and sleep less. If you don’t get enough sleep to feel rested, you could end up with insomnia, which can hurt your brain’s work.

Brain exercises help make your brain smarter.

Brain Games (Not Digital Games)

Try meditating, and try taking notes with your less-used hand. Learn something new, like how to play an instrument. Make one document that has the whole chapter you’ve already learned.

Just go for a walk or work out.

Foods for your Brain 

First, having breakfast is half the battle won. Skipping meals inconsistently is bad for your health as a whole.

Lycopene, an antioxidant that is found in tomatoes, is another food that may help. Free radicals can hurt the body, but lycopene can help keep this from happening. Oxidative stress can happen in the body when there are more free radicals than antioxidants. Tomatoes can help with Alzheimer’s. Anthocyanins, which are found in blueberries and are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant plant compounds, could help with short-term memory.

Almonds, cashews, peanuts, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and sesame seeds are all good choices that are easy to add to dishes or take with you. Walnuts, linseeds, and chia seeds are also good choices because they have a lot of omega-3.

Bananas are full of B vitamins, which help us remember things and protect our brains as we age. They also have a lot of magnesium, which can help nerve cells in the brain work better together.

Researchers think that not getting enough vitamin C could lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other brain diseases that come with age. Broccoli has a lot of vitamin C in it.

Flavonoids are a group of antioxidant compounds found in plants that help people learn and remember things. Flavonoids are found in both dark chocolate and cocoa powder.

Visualize – 12 Ways to Boost your Brain Power

The brain is better able to remember things it sees. When you study, try to break up the material into pieces that you can handle. This will help you remember more of what you learned.

Associative thinking

Our brains are better at remembering things if they have a connection to something we already know! As a result, if you’re learning anything new, try to connect it to something you already know! After that, it will be much easier for you to remember it.

To help you remember things, use mnemonics

Everybody has used mnemonics at some point in their lives! This is seen in how we learn the order of the planets’ orbits around the sun. “My Very Educated Mother just gave us Noodles,” for example. Every word’s initial letter represents the name of a planet, and it does so in the right order. Simply recalling this simple sentence while taking an exam can make it easier for you!

The One Thing

This is a much more time-consuming process than typical! You must learn how to block out the rest of the world and focus solely on recalling a memory. Memorised information is still present in your brain, but you have a hard time recalling it since you can’t focus 100% of the time. Stay as focused as possible on the issue at hand if you find yourself getting bogged down.


Try to devote more time and effort to the most significant aspects of the course. Your remaining time should be spent solely on matters of the utmost importance. It is much simpler to remember information that you have assigned a higher priority in your mind by setting priorities.

Have faith in your abilities

Believing that you are capable of learning and remembering material is the key to success on tests! Your brain will become distracted if you keep demoralizing and discouraging yourself, and you won’t be able to learn anything effectively.

Stay hydrated

The process of memorization necessitates the use of water. Dehydration causes you to lose attention and reduces your brain’s ability to process information!

Vegetable juices are full of micronutrients and can help your body in a lot of ways.

Deep Work

Doing a lot of things at once is not a good idea. It makes it harder for us to work. Even the way our brains work is different. Deep Work can be useful. The same name was also used for a book by Cal Newport.

Spending time in Nature & with Kids and Pets

Spending time in nature can help us think of new ideas and make our brains work better.

They will help you find ways to improve your mood.

Boost Brain for more Personal Development

We are not experts when it comes to medical help. So, readers are asked to seek medical help if the problem keeps happening. These are 12 ways to boost your Brain Power.

5 Pro Study Tips To Ace Your Exam Preparation with Vidya Hub

The Shortest Way to Prepare for The Toughest Exams like JEE, NEET, CUET, KVPY and many other competitive exams. 

Many Exams are over. Many Exams are near. Time to get serious?

The way you spend this crucial time is going to directly determine your performance in the exam.

Students tend to enjoy when the exams are coming, but freak out as they get closer. Procrastinating is human nature. Video Games, Social Media, Movies, Serials, and other similar things have some role in distracting students from their target.

Now the question arises, ‘How do we prepare for exams?


Five Pro Study Tips to Ace Your Exam Preparation-


Mapping out a plan and creating a good strategy to achieve adequate marks is very necessary and the earlier it’s done, the more benefit it yields. Exams like JEE and NEET don’t offer much preparation time, so it is important to spend every valuable second of the available days cautiously. The first thing to do is to pick up the calendar and mark that key day. Then count the days left to prepare for the exam. After that, all that is needed to be done is to divide the days according to subjects. This process can be subjective as the weaker a student is in a subject; the more days are required to work on it and vice-versa.


The most beneficial thing to do would be to identify the most important chapters included in the syllabus. Important as in they are high scoring, easily understandable and of high weightage. The next need would be to learn these chapters by heart. Setting the priorities straight is the boost everyone needs. It, in fact, helps you to understand your course thoroughly and keep track of the completion of your syllabus.


As we talked earlier about setting the priorities straight, this step could help you do it. Solving the previous year’s question paper could significantly help you understand the syllabus, blueprint of the exam, and the importance of every project. Not only question papers, but sample papers are also extremely effective. It’ more than just a piece of paper, it’s a tool. A tool that will ease your marks scoring. In Vidya Hub Institute, aspirants get a regular check of their knowledge by taking up series of tests. Sync with VH for online jee mains test series, jee advanced mock test online, neet biology online test, online mock test neet, neet pg mock test online, online jee test for class 11, class 12, and droppers.


Students tend to think that they can study for straight 16 hours or so. They will not only fail to do this but will also sacrifice certain important things like timely meals, bathing, and most importantly sleep. Sacrificing sleep will definitely make you feel irritated and distracted which will sooner or later affect your marks. Scientists recommend studying in small breaks and then take a power nap. This will not only help you recharge but will also help you focus easily.


Working out is a great way to relieve stress. It does not specifically mean heavy weight lifting but also walking, stretching, jogging, etc. Getting some fresh air helps in relaxation and focusing comfortably. Any physical activity increases the energy level in our body which also helps in improving memory.

Exams can be terrifying, but with the right help, anyone can clear them. Looking for the best JEE preparation institute or the best coaching institute for neet? Vidya Hub provides top-notch neet coaching and true IIT-JEE coaching.  It is a place where students are treated like family. A place where teachers understand that exams are a marathon and not a sprint. They help prepare students from the start with the mindset to crack this exam right from the foundation. Not a single student studying at Vidya Hub feels that studying is a burden. It’s the way of teaching that differentiates us from society.


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